As we begin our new 2020-2021 Academic Year, OVPUE is taking time revise and revamp the OUE Assessment Committee. Over the past several years this committee has played an important role in building the assessment culture within OUE and beyond. I have been encouraged to see the work this committee has done to enhance the assessment process within their own units and the dedication they have had to organizing, producing, and using their assessment work for continuous improvement. As such, I am pleased to announce we are opening our membership for AY 20-21. Each unit is asked to have at least one representative, but we would be excited to have more depending on need and interest. This year the committee will have an important role in helping us transition to a new assessment reporting platform and explore our strategic planning process.
The Office of Undergraduate Education (OUE) Assessment Committee serves as an advisory group to the Associate Vice Provost of Undergraduate Education and the Assistant Director for Assessment and Planning on matters relating to the assessment of student learning and programmatic outcomes in OUE. The committee discusses resources, tools, policies, and procedures for the assessment of our programs, processes, services, and learning outcomes within OUE; makes recommendations on OUE assessment processes; provides feedback to the OVPUE on assessment methods and reporting strategies; and promotes the communication and utilization of assessment results that are aligned with OUE, the Provost’s Office, and the Institute’s Strategic Plans.
The committee aims to:
- Discuss, review, and make recommendations on reporting, assessment and data management policies and procedures (including dissemination of data) within OUE
- Advise on policies for reporting and dissemination of assessment data within OUE
- Share and discuss current assessment best practices and techniques
- Discuss and recommend assessment topics for staff professional development
- Collaborate on projects including conference proposals or additional research projects
- Promote a culture of continuous improvement within OUE
If you have questions about the committee feel free to reach out to me or visit the OUE Assessment Website. Please have your nominations for membership sent in via your OUE Director to casey.chaviano@gatech.edu by Monday, June 1st. The new committee will have its first meeting following the close of this cycle at the start of July. I look forward to reviewing your 2019-20 reports and starting our new 20-21 assessment cycle. Thanks again to all of you for the work you put into assessing our programs and services!