July 25th, 2018 was a day to remember for the iGniTe program: The Closing Showcase! From 4 to 6pm iGniTe students and others taking summer classes met in the Clough 1st floor atrium to either present or see student projects and prototypes created throughout the summer semester. Summer Session interns and staff were there to give out information, hand out goodies, and admired the student work as well. All iGniTe students who attended and came to our table received some Summer Session themed coasters, lip balm, frisbees, and the clear front-runner, an iGniTe backpack! We had brownies for everyone as well, which were a crowd favorite.
And with that, the 2018 iGniTe program has come to a close. We wish the best of luck to our iGniTe students as they begin to traverse the rest of their first year at Georgia Tech, and we’re already preparing for the next incoming class of bright and hardworking students next summer. iGniTe 2019, here we come!