On July 19th, Summer Session Initiatives hosted the iGniTe Welcome Event for our summer first-years! All of the summer first-years, residence hall Peer Leaders, and OUE faculty and staff gathered in front of the Kessler Campanile at around 7pm to kick things off. We invited three welcome speakers to the event, who all had inspiring speeches that encouraged the students to look forward to the next four (or more) years at Tech.
The event started with Dr. Colin Potts, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, who gave the summer first-years the warmest, most sincere welcome that you could possibly imagine. During his address, a familiar friend made a sneaky appearance; our very own Buzz caused a little commotion by running through the crowd, taking pictures with students and giving out high-fives and fist-bumps during the talks!
Finally, after Dr. Walker’s incredible speech, Dr. Rafael Bras took up the rear of the Welcome Event speeches. As Provost for Undergraduate Education, Dr. Bras gave advice to the summer first-years to be curious, explore opportunities inside and out of the classroom, and to learn from other’s unique perspectives. “Today, something altogether new begins and this moment, my speech, will be forgotten. The next few days, weeks, months, and even years will be filled with challenges, new experiences, happy times, perhaps some sad times, and today, in this moment, it all begins! You might be excited, a little scared or unsure - perhaps all of the above. But, my new Yellow Jackets, you should be very, very proud.”
Everyone at the event (including Buzz, of course) took a group photo on the Campanile steps, and then the real fun began! Everyone made their way into the Student Center, where there were tons of activities for the students and staff. The Tech Rec offered bowling, ping pong, and billiards, while the 3rd floor Ballroom had food, drinks and board games! The students really took to Giant Uno and Giant Jenga sets; apparently, they’re more fun than the original sizes. Some were even teaching each other long and complicated games like The Settlers of Catan.
All in all, the students, faculty and staff all seemed to have a great time. The summer first-years started classes the day after the event, so we were glad to start their Georgia Tech lives with a bang!