Hone your interviewing skills with employer representatives by practicing traditional and behavioral questions in a brief simulated interview. Mock interviews are 45 minutes total with a 30 minute interview and 15 minutes for feedback. Take advantage of this opportunity to get industry feedback in preparation for future interviews.

TO PARTICIPATE, YOU MUST SIGN UP FOR A SLOT  This is not a drop-in event. The deadline to sign up for a mock interview is Wed, Aug. 21 @ 11:59pm, but note that slots will fill quickly.

Once you sign up to meet with an employer, you are committed to participating in the program. Missing your appointment or no showing = taking the opportunity away from another student and wasting a volunteer's time. No shows are not acceptable.

Registration Instructions

1. Log in to your CareerBuzz account
2. Click on the Employers tab on the top navigation bar in CareerBuzz
3. In the Keyword search box, type in FALL 2024 [AUGUST] VIRTUAL RESUME REVIEWS & MOCK INTERVIEWS
4. From the results, select FALL 2024 [AUGUST] VIRTUAL RESUME REVIEWS & MOCK INTERVIEWS and click on the Jobs option
5. Sign up for an open meeting time that works with your schedule
*****You will receive a virtual meeting link from the Career Center by Tuesday, Aug 27****

Available Mock Interview Slots: 
