On Thursday, November 14, the Undergraduate Transition Seminars Program held its annual banquet at Bill Moore Student Success Center to recognize the dedication and excellence of the members of its GT 1000 and GT 2000 instructional team. Over 50 nominations were submitted for Team Leader of the Year, Instructor of the Year, Friend of the First-Year Seminar, and the Sandi Bramblett Instructor of Excellence awards.

This year’s banquet theme was “Welcome Fall.” Georgia Tech students, staff, and faculty were represented, each of whom are an integral part of the program. The night began with mingling, savory food, and crafting opportunities before everyone was welcomed by Associate Director of Undergraduate Transition Seminars, Dr. Catherine Thomas. Dr. Steven Girardot, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, followed with opening remarks that included his memories as a student at Tech and his own reflections as an instructor in the program. The night continued with a competitive round of trivia that focused on fall-related topics like festivals, agriculture, and Thanksgiving.

Erica Drummond, and Claire Haskell.
The event included recognizing the newly established Awards and Recognition and Curriculum and Assessment Committees, along with the participants in the Fall 2024 Reading Circle Program. Attendees said farewell and best wishes to graduating team leaders Erica Drummond, Claire Haskell, Joao Kdouk, Afeni Laws, and Austin Reitano, all of whom received a recognition stole and certificate for serving for two semesters or more. Instructor and student nominators presented heartfelt and congratulatory remarks for this year's award winners. Dr. Chris Reaves, Assistant Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education and Executive Director of the Office of Experiential and Engaged Learning closed the banquet with expressions of gratitude for those involved in the program and its valued support of incoming Tech students.
The Undergraduate Transition Seminars Program is pleased to congratulate the following recipients for 2024:
GT 1000 Team Leader of the Year: Corina Pavelek
GT 2000 Team Leader of the Year: Rhea Joshi
GT 1000 Instructors of the Year: Brigit McGuinness and Chloe Jackson
Friend of the First-Year Award: College of Engineering
Sandi Bramblett Instructor of Excellence: Ellen Riley
To see past award winners and learn more about the GT 1000 and GT 2000 annual awards, please visit: https://transitionseminars.oue.gatech.edu/annual-celebration/