​Faculty Co-Director, Leaders in Progress & Service Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)

Kate Williams currently serves as Faculty Co-Director of Georgia Tech's Leaders in Progress and Service Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) in the Office of Undergraduate Education.  She retains a partial appointment as a Senior Academic Professional in the Center for Teaching and Learning where she leads the Transformative Teaching and Learning Initiative, which provides faculty development and grants to support the redesign of courses to integrate course-based high impact practices.

A psychology instructor with a background in experiential learning, service learning, and career services, Williams has 20 years of experience in higher education in both faculty and leadership roles. Prior to coming to Georgia Tech, Kate served as department head at a South Carolina community college where she gained expertise in faculty development and evaluation, curriculum assessment, and strategic planning.

Kate joined the faculty in the Center for Teaching and Learning at Georgia Tech in 2015 to evaluate and reboot the Tech to Teaching certificate program, expanding access to teaching development for graduate students and postdocs from 25 to over 250 participants per year. Kate is active in the POD Network, the premier educational development association in higher education and was elected to serve on the Leadership Team of CIRTL, the Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning.